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Friday, January 21, 2011

College Collision

Currently Watching: Tom & Jerry
Craving? Brownies!

Okay so I am so frustrated!! Ughh! I have come to hate trying to get registered for classes and school and the like! I spent the end of December and most of this month trying to get everything in order to attend online courses at Grand Canyon University only to find out today that to take 6 classes (10 credits) once you add it all together and add the rough estimate for the ebooks for class it comes to about $11,000!! are they serious? Go figure that they only tell me that today when its the last day to late register at the Jr College nearby and tomorrow is the last day to late-register for classes. :-/  Is there no rest for the weary? I am starting to wonder if I'll ever get to finish school....and if I don't finish school how will I ever wind up getting noticed by a publisher? Lets just say I'm on a bit of a downward spiral right now, which sometimes sends me into serious writing frenzies so we'll see!

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