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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Harry P. and Baby Picutres

So I totally did a marathon with old high school friends starting on Monday with 1 & 2, Tuesday with 3 & 4 Wednsday with 5 & 6 and Thursday night at midnight we watched the double feature premier of parts one and two of book 7. Anthony tagged along as well, and the only thing that I can really complain about is that when he got hungry I totally set it up just fine to feed him, but he eats so loudly that I felt like all eyes were on me cause he just so happened to be eating while it got VERY quiet on screen....yeah I stepped out for a bit to finish feeding him before going back to my seat with a sleeping baby in my arms for all of the rest of part 1 and then the intermission and even through all of part 2. It was awesome!

On a different note, the picture to my side is of my little guy with a staged background. He's totally asleep but with his mouth open like that and his hand up he looks as though he's waving to a friend while swinging on the swing. We used a bath mat as the hill and grass, a bee that was on his mobile, a blanket for the tree leaves the tree trunk was a piece of material we hadn't sewn yet (my mom and I did this) we used a piece of long white ribbon for the swing and tucked it under the branch piece and used a pants hanger cardboard piece as the seat. Then a towel for the cloud and we were set to photograph. I adore these pictures and look forward to new ideas from you!

Watching the marathon inspired me to write, but I haven't had enough time to breathe let alone clean in my house so sadly I haven't written anything lately.

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