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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Updates

So I know I said I was going to take a break from posting for Christmas and all, but I had to pop in with these photos of him!

He has got to be the most adorable child I have ever seen, he always has a smile, even if he's sick and he's always making faces!

He loves putting everything he gets his hands on into his mouith and gumming it to death. Well he actually has a few teeth...and by few I mean he has two. He got them last month and has been trying to put them to work as much as possible.
He is still standing and now he's starting to pull himself up from a sitting position as well as trying to crawl up the steps in the living room. I'm quite proud of this accomplishment. And as always, when he sees the flash on my phone he smiles for the camera.

What a camera ham right?!

I nearly had a heart attack when he started to reach out for this ornament...I was just glad he didn't fall back out of the present box! I am now working as a photographer at JC Penny's Portrait Studio and I got to have these pictures for free. I am so happy with how they came out in the end I had to share them with all of you. I am still attending school so that is why I haven't posted in a long while but I am still writing here and there when I get a bit of time between classes. Let's see what adding a job in the mix does for my writing abilities.

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